Episode 78. 5 Low-Cost and Free Holistic Wellness Recommendations for Your Team!

Staff Researcher: Evelyn Gilliard

The term “Holistic Wellness” has been thrown around a lot, but what does it mean, and more importantly, what does this mean for your company? The word “holistic” means to address the entire person - physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual which can bring out the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves when all of our needs are being met. 

Working remotely has its perks, but it can also make room for some bad habits… 

  • Never leaving the house 

  • Lacking sunlight

  • Neglecting your physical health

  • Staying up too late

  • Dissolving work/life boundaries

  • Etc!

The overall effect of these habits can compound quickly - leading to some not so desirable consequences on our mental and physical health. What does this have to do with business? Everything! 

Remember, companies aren’t composed of soulless robots… we’re all leading other human beings. If our team members’ mental and physical health becomes degraded it impacts every component of their lives… including their role within the company. That’s why focusing on team members’ holistic wellness ultimately changes the company culture for the better. 

Therefore, I have compiled this list of low-cost or free recommendations of what leadership can do to improve their team member’s holistic wellness + a few reminders to pass on to your team members themselves.

What You Can Do As a Leader


It’s easy to say to keep work and home life separate because “work is work,” but that can be exceptionally difficult, especially when we are working from home. That’s why being open and compassionate is my #1 recommendation for online teams. 

Encouraging openness about mental health (as much as they are comfortable with) within the workplace is a strategic advantage. By being open with your team, you will have a better idea of where their headspace is at. 

  • Have they forgotten information more recently when they are usually your #1 go-to person who is always organized? 

  • Or are they dealing with personal issues recently, such as their loved ones being in the hospital due to COVID-19? 

  • Are family or financial issues overwhelming them and, as a result, is affecting their work? 

Each of these realities will inevitably impact team member’s and pretending they don’t isn’t helpful to anyone. Lean in, be prepared to have challenging conversations, and remember that at the end of the day… we’re all human.


Considering we’re all human and life can be messy, flexible scheduling is no longer a nice-to-have… it’s a must-have! Implement flexible scheduling so team members can make appointments for their health, mental health, or to hit the gym.  Furthermore, while your company might not be able to provide advanced benefits like gym and daycare services, mental health coverage, etc., you can provide the time. Simple as that. 


As mentioned earlier, working remotely can become lonely if you are sitting by yourself for x amount of hours every day and only talk with other people when there’s a set meeting in place to talk about x, y, and z regarding which project your company is working on. 

Consider setting up virtual connection circles to talk to one another during breaks and lunch, so it’s not just about work in every Zoom Meeting. Think of it as talking around a water cooler. By allowing virtual connection circles, it allows people to be social and get to know each other personally just as if they were in a regular office. 


Have you ever woken up and just weren’t feeling it? Perhaps you needed a mental health day? Or maybe you took a mini-sabbatical because you needed to get away? Remember, your team members may benefit from the same. 

If work has become overwhelming and exceedingly stressful, I would suggest that you offer these types of days to your team. No questions asked. Obviously, we have to do this as needed and within reason, but if they need it and there isn’t a huge project launch happening, then why not? 


Offer online learning sessions to learn more about the field or related skills that will prove beneficial in their job. This might be an online learning session for your company specifically, for select skills that will further develop their career that you need in your company, or maybe it’s for learning more about the select field you are in. Whichever it may be, by offering online learning sessions, you are investing in your team’s knowledge and career, which will help your company overall. Your team wants to know that you believe in them, invest in them, and want to see them succeed. 

How Individuals Can Improve Their Own Holistic Wellness


  • Exercise and stay active by either going to the gym, walking your dog, or even doing home exercises. 

  • Get a good night’s rest by not staying up too late, which will allow you to keep to a regular schedule (unless your work schedule allows for opposite working hours).

  • Have a clock-out time even with flexible scheduling to avoid overworking yourself. 


  • Seek out therapy when needed.

  • Practice mindfulness and stress reduction habits that can help you better manage life’s daily stressors.

  • Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings.


  • Always keep your mind active by seeking out learning opportunities and problem-solving practices that challenge your brain.

  • Carve out a designated workspace. Your bed cannot always be your go-to as you associate it with sleep and will therefore be less productive. You need an area solely for work so you can turn your brain “on” when you arrive in this space and “off” when you leave. 

  • Have a commute of listening to the birds with your morning coffee or doing yoga before you start your day to shift your mindset into work. 


  • Stay connected and make time for in-person connection.

  • Get involved in your local community. 

  • Set boundaries with people in your life that may increase stress or bring about toxic energy. 


  • Spend time in nature.

  • Spend a few minutes each day meditating.

  • If you are religious, take the time to practice your faith.

Now that you have 5 recommendations for leadership and 3 personal recommendations per each category - physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual you can now start to implement some of these for yourselves and your teams to achieve the top tier of holistic wellness according to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs to become the best and happiest versions of yourselves. What recommendations are you going to implement today?


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